Get the latest news or listen to it in a very stylish app, by just pressing a button.
The best local news sources, with Text-to-Speech technology and HTML view.
A global perspective of the breaking news in different countries.
A powerful and personalized way of getting the news you want.
Fews features the best local news sources, from more than 25 countries, in their original language. Additionally, you can use the Text-to-Speech technology and listen to the news while you’re driving. You can also change to HTML view and read it at the sources websites.
With fews you can check which are the most popular news in different countries. Our globe view is a great way to have a quick look on what the foreign press is writing.
You can get the best out of our app by adding keywords of the news topics that interest you on fews notifications menu. When the keywords you wrote match the news featured on the app, you’ll receive a push notification.
It features 5 feed categories: general news, sports, economy, lifestyle and technology, categories that cover the main news in different countries. So, if you enjoy tech blogs you should check the technology category. If you are interested in celebrity gossip take a peek at the lifestyle category. You can select and deselect your preferences in the filter icon (a funnel). By default some news sources are already enabled in each category, but you can change them at any time by clicking in the “+” sign, near the play button.
We have hourly updated news sources in our app for 5 different categories in 28 countries. The countries featured in our app (in alphabetic order) are: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States.
Yes. Users may add their favorite news sources to the app. However, for now this is only available for iOS users.
Yes. We expect to have at least 50 countries in a couple of months and add even more countries in the future. However, we will only add new countries if we have multiple reliable sources in each country for the 5 categories that we’ve mentioned: general news, sports, economy, lifestyle and technology. Nevertheless, you’re free to add the RSS you wish as long as you’re an iOS user.
If you have any question related with fews app, that the FAQ didn’t answer to, please send us an email to and we will answer you as briefly as possible.