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Rory McIlroy only sees one path to true PGA-LIV merger

New York Post Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 29d

One of golf’s biggest stars — and one of LIV Golf’s biggest critics — thinks it is time for everyone to “get over it” when it comes to the anger over those who stayed loyal to the PGA Tour and those who defected to LIV.   In golf’s ongoing civil war, Rory McIlroy believes that will be the only way for unification between the rival golf leagues to ever work.   The two sides have been at odds since LIV launched, but hope for an end to the ongoing battle looked as though it could come to an end when LIV and the PGA Tour entered into a framework agreement in June 2023 that would end the feud, but no concrete deal has been reached.

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