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‘Bussin with the Boys’ hosts ‘surprised’ Dave Portnoy didn’t know of Patrick Mahomes’ Barstool Sports beef

New York Post Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 29d

Former NFLers Will Compton and Taylor Lewan, hosts of the popular podcast “Bussin With The Boys,” were shocked to find out that their former boss Dave Portnoy was unaware that Chiefs star quarterback Patrick Mahomes has an issue with Barstool Sports.   The issue came up after Portnoy went scorched earth on Lewan, who asked Mahomes during Super Bowl Opening Night if he would be more inclined to appear on the show with its Barstool association ending.   Mahomes indicated that it helped their chances and Portnoy launched into an explicit tirade against Lewan insinuating that the podcast host was performing a lewd sexual act on the NFL star with Lewan’s phrasing of his question.

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