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Trump's Hand To Putin Sparks Fear, Mistrust In Frontline Ukraine

International Business Times Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 29d

Ukrainians in the 24th Mechanized Brigade firing towards Russian positions near Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region AFP In eastern Ukraine, the battleground of ferocious fighting against Russian troops, the spectre of US President Donald Trump forcing a halt to the war has injected new worries among exhausted and outgunned Ukrainian servicemen. Trump has raised fears that the United States, Kyiv's most vital political and military backer, will abandon Ukraine in its fight and hand over easy concessions to Russian leader Vladimir Putin after years of costly fighting. An acting battalion commander, who identified himself as Artem, said an end to US military support would be "catastrophic" for Ukrainian efforts to hold Russia back.

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