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Young Indonesians Toast Britpop Scene With Singalongs, Swagger

International Business Times Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 4d

At a smoke-filled warehouse in Jakarta hundreds of Indonesians party to the sounds of 1990s Britain AFP At a smoke-filled warehouse in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, hundreds of young men and women, some clad in hijabs, throw their arms in the air, bouncing to British songs from the 1990s. The party more than 7,000 miles (11,000 kilometres) from British shores is inspired by the 'Britpop' scene at the height of Cool Britannia about 30 years ago, centred on bands like Manchester's Oasis, rivals Blur and Suede. Playing to the 800-strong crowd is a DJ collective called the Weekenders Service Crew, who have turned student gatherings into a "Britpop party service".

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