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Kansas trooper rescues kidnapped 6-year-old girl, takes 2 men into custody during traffic stop

New York Post Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 3d

Originally Published by: 'Where is he?' Arizona yoga instructor vanishes after going on blind date Wife of slain California fire captain receives medical treatment prior to jail booking California man stabbed outside Starbucks in apparent road rage attack: police A Kansas highway trooper rescued a 6-year-old girl missing for over a month after she was kidnapped and took two men she was with into custody, authorities said Saturday. The Kansas Highway Patrol trooper pulled over an SUV for a traffic violation and discovered that the front-seat passenger had a warrant for his arrest from another state for kidnapping a 6-year-old girl just over a month earlier, the agency said. The trooper spotted a girl around that age inside the vehicle with the passenger and driver, both men in their 60s, highway patrol said.

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