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John Cena’s selective WWE silence tells you everything

New York Post Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 4d

See Also WWE picked an odd time for Jade Cargill’s first pinfall loss John Cena made his intentions clear how far his spiteful championship intent will go with the fans while continuing to not address his feelings toward the man he will need to beat to make it happen.   The 16-time world champion wants to “ruin” wrestling for everyone on his way out by beating Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE title at WrestleMania 41 in Las Vegas next month, Cena said to open Raw in Glasgow, Scotland on Monday.   At WrestleMania he plans to make history by winning a 17th championship, breaking his tie with Ric Flair — and forcing fans to forget the Nature Boy and forever repeat the name John Cena.

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