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Bryan Kohberger’s family could be asked to testify against him in Idaho murders case, court docs reveal

New York Post Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 5d

Originally Published by: 911 audio released in Idaho student murders Bryan Kohberger's Amazon history, phone tracking witnesses denied by judge Bryan Kohberger selfie used by prosecutors to clap back at 'bushy eyebrow' denial Idaho prosecutors asked a judge to reject, at least partially, student murder suspect Bryan Kohberger’s request to give his family priority seating at his upcoming trial — arguing in part that relatives may be called as witnesses. Deputy Latah County Prosecutor Ashley Jennings wrote in a court filing asking Judge Steven Hippler to exclude any potential witnesses in Kohberger’s family from attending the trial prior to giving their own testimony. “The State may call member(s) of the Kohberger family to testify at trial,” she wrote.

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