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Asian Stocks Rise On Trade Optimism, But US Policy Uncertainty Lingers

Stocks Rise
International Business Times Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 3d

The Indonesian rupiah is sitting around its lowest levels since the Asian financial crisis at the end of the 1990s AFP Lingering hopes that Donald Trump's planned tariff blitz next week will not be as painful as feared helped lift Asian markets Wednesday, though uncertainty about the president's policies and the US economy tempered optimism. With the White House's "Liberation Day" on April 2 approaching, investors have been bracing for a wave of sweeping levies on imports amid warnings of crippled global trade, recession and a fresh spike in inflation. But suggestions from Trump and others in Washington that the measures could be more targeted, with some countries hit harder than others, have provided a sliver of hope that the worst-case scenario can be avoided.

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