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South Korea Says 18 Dead In Raging Wildfires

South Korea
International Business Times Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 3d

Members of the Gyeongbuk Seobu Cultural Heritage Care Center wrap a Buddha statue with cotton cloth and a fire-retardant blanket after evacuating all other items from the Gounsa Temple in Uiseong AFP At least 18 people have been killed in one of South Korea's worst wildfire outbreaks, with multiple blazes burning and causing "unprecedented damage", the acting president said Wednesday. More than a dozen different blazes broke out over the weekend, with the death toll jumping overnight as one major fire tore through villages and burned a historical temple to the ground. The government has raised the crisis alert to its highest level and declared a "a full-scale national response" to bring the fires under control.

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