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World Athletics Approves Swab Test To Determine Female Gender

Swab Test
International Business Times Fews App News Provider
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Sebastian Coe, pictured after he finished third in the election to be International Olympic Committee president last week, said the swab test was an important way of protecting the female category AFP World Athletics said on Tuesday it had approved the introduction of a cheek swab test to determine if an athlete is biologically female. Sebastian Coe, the president of the international track and field federation, said the test, whose introduction was given the green light by the World Athletics Council, was a "really important" way of protecting the female category. "It's important to do it because it maintains everything that we've been talking about, and particularly recently, about not just talking about the integrity of female women's sport, but actually guaranteeing it," Coe said in a press conference after the Council met over two days in Nanjing, China following the World Indoor Championships.

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