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Ex-Republican pol Justin Eichorn texted cop posing as underage ‘girl’ for ‘naughty pic’: DOJ

Justin Eichorn
New York Post Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 3d

Disgraced former Minnesota state senator Justin Eichorn asked for “naughty pics” from an underage girl who turned out to be an undercover cop, before he was arrested in a sting operation last week, according to a DOJ motion. The Republican father of four — whose wife filed for divorce on Tuesday — also allegedly brought up the age of consent to try to justify the sickening liaison before his arrest in Bloomington, around 10 miles south of Minneapolis, prosecutors said. Eichorn, 40, allegedly contacted the undercover cop posing as an underage sex worker, and asked for them to send him an explicit picture to prove they were real.

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