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Cooking the Books, Cooking the Planet: David MacLean Is on a Mission to End Greenwashing Through His P3I Platform

International Business Times Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 3d

P31 This Earth Day marks the official hard launch of the Planet People Profit Impact (P3I) platform by McMac CX, a groundbreaking tool designed to disrupt traditional building and community development paradigms. Founded by David MacLean, the P3Iplatform goes beyond mere financial metrics to quantify and monetize the broader impacts of sustainable and resilient building practices. The P3Iplatform, which debuted in a soft launch on Earth Day 2024, provides a crucial tool for stakeholders across the built environment ecosystem, including investors, architects, engineers, community planners, businesses, actionists, and activists, to assess the true costs and benefits.

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