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Twisted NJ special education teacher sent 25,000 texts to 8th-grade boy she molested: indictment

New York Post Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time Hace 2d

A twisted New Jersey special education teacher allegedly exchanged more than 25,000 text messages with the middle-school boy she is accused of sexually assaulting, according to a seven-count indictment. Freehold Intermediate School’s Allison Havemann-Niedrach sent thousands of messages to the 15-year-old victim starting when the alleged abuse began in early 2024, and stopped in June with her arrest, according to the indictment. Authorities began looking into Havemann-Niedrach, 44, in June, after the school’s vice principal told investigators he was worried about her relationship with the eighth-grader — after another teacher reportedly spotted her “rubbing the victim’s neck and back.

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