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Woman whose MAGA hat meltdown, subway wipeout went viral is an ‘extremely liberal’ luxury-brand specialist

New York Post Fews App News Provider
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She’s going to need a re-brand! The woman who received “instant karma” after berating a President Trump supporter on the subway — and then face-planting on the platform after trying to grab his “Make America Great Again” hat — is an increasingly “agitated” creative director for several luxury brands, The Post has learned. Alberta Testanero, a 55-year-old dual Italian-American citizen, went viral for the caught-on-video incident on the 6 train in Midtown last week after branding the MAGA fan “uneducated” and a “racist. ” 4 Testanero was lambasted after accosting the MAGA hat wearing man on the subway and then trying to snatch the chapeau.

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