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Lesotho Fears Trump Shake-up Could Tear Threadbare Economy

International Business Times Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time ha 3d

The textile industry is Lesotho's largest employer with more than 35,000 workers AFP In a sweltering factory in Lesotho, rows of workers hunch over thrumming sewing machines churning out piles of jeans for the global market from a country that US President Donald Trump has mocked as unknown. Buy sportswear from US retail giant Walmart or blue jeans at South Africa's apparel behemoth Mr Price and there is a half-decent chance it was stitched on the floor of this garment factory in the capital Maseru which counts 400-odd employees. Although modest in size compared to global textile powerhouses like Bangladesh and China, the tiny mountain kingdom's clothing industry is the country's largest employer with more than 35,000 workers, according to official data.

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