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Brazil Chief Raoni Says Will Challenge Lula On Amazon Oil Project: AFP Interview

International Business Times Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time há 5d

Brazilian Indigenous leader Raoni Metuktire told AFP he would ask President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to reconsider an oil mega-project at the mouth of the Amazon river AFP Brazilian environmental campaigner and tribal leader Raoni Metuktire is pitting himself against the government to stop plans for an oil mega-project at the mouth of the Amazon river. Ahead of Brazil hosting the UN's COP30 climate talks in the Amazonian city of Belem in November, Raoni has told AFP he will soon receive President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on his home turf, in the world's biggest rainforest, to urge him to put a halt to the undertaking by state-owned oil giant Petrobras. Brazil's environmental protection agency IBAMA -- an autonomous public body -- is mulling whether to grant Petrobras an exploration license in an offshore area known as the Equatorial Margin.

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