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Japan Court Orders 'Moonies' Church Be Stripped Of Legal Recognition

International Business Times Fews App News Provider
Fews App Post Time há 3d

The logo of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), known as the Unification Church, at the entrance of the Japan branch headquarters in Tokyo AFP A Japanese court ordered on Tuesday that a religious sect be stripped of official recognition, the government said, in the wake of the assassination of ex-premier Shinzo Abe. A government spokesman told AFP that the Tokyo District Court "issued the dissolution order" for the Japanese chapter of the Unification Church, founded in South Korea and nicknamed the "Moonies" after its late founder, Sun Myung Moon. The Church is accused of pressuring followers into making life-ruining donations, and blamed for child neglect among its members, although it has denied any wrongdoing.

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